Manuscripts and Special Collections

Me D 4/5: Lease of property in Skegby, Nottinghamshire, from Matilda (Maud) de Nevill to John le Bret (undated, c.1275-1300, Latin)


Sciant presentes et futuri quod ego Matilda de Neuill dedi concessiet hac presenti carta mea confirmaui Johanni le Bret omnis terras meas et tenementa
quas habui uel habere potui in Skeggeby . ut In diuercijs homagijs seruicijs liberorum hominium . Wardis . releiuis . Eschaetis . cum villanis uillenagia illa
tenentibus et omnibus eorum sequelis et cum libera capella mea habendum et tenendum de me et heredibus meis ad totam uitam Ipsius Jhoanis libere quiete integre bene
et In pace cum omnibus pertinencijs suis siue aliquo retinemento. Reddendo inde annuatim Mihi et heredibus meis Centi solidis sterlingorum ad duos an
ni terminos scilicet ad Pentecostum quinquaginta solidoset ad festum sancti Martini In Hyeme quinquaginta solidos pro omnibus scalaribus seruicijs consue
tudinibus exactionibus sectis curia et demandis mihi uel heredibus meis aliquo iure pertinentibus . Ego uero dicta Matilda et heredes mei omnis predictas terras et
tenementa cum suis pertinencijs plenius pronominatis dicto Jhohani ad totum uitam suam contra omnes gentes. In omnibus warentizabimus et predictam annualem
firmam adquietabimus et defendemus. Et ad maiorem securitatem huius rei presenti carte sigillum meum apposui . Hijs testibus dominis Roberto De
Sutton . Nicholo de Eyuill . Roberto de Sutton In Aykring . Gicard de Weston . et Waltero tuk Militibus . Radulfo de Arnhale . Waltero
de Kelum . Roberto de Draiton . Radulfo clerico et alijs.


Know all present people and those to come that I, Matilda de Nevill, have given, conceded and by this my present charter have confirmed to John le Bret all my lands and tenements which I had or could have in Skegby, with diverse homages, services of free men, wards, reliefs, escheats, with villeinage of villeins holding there and all their successors, and with my free chapel, to have and to hold from me and my heirs for the whole life of the same John, freely, quietly and wholly, well and in peace, with all of its appurtenances without reserve anywhere. Paying annually thereafter to me and my heirs one hundred shillings of sterling at two terms of the year, that is 50 shillings at Pentecost and 50 shillings on the feast of St Martin in Hyeme, for all stipends, services, customs, dues, courts and demands appertaining to me or my heirs by any right. Truly I the said Matilda and my heirs will warrant in all things all the said lands and tenemants with their appurtenances fully to the before-named John, for his whole life, against all people, and will acquit and defend the said annual rent. And for more security to this thing, I have put my seal on this present writing. These being witnesses, dominus Robert de Sutton, Nicholas de Eyvill, Robert de Sutton in Aykring [Eakring], Guichard de Weston and Walter Tuk, knights, Ralph de Arnhal [Arnold], Water de Kelum [Kelham], Robert de Draiton, Ralph the clerk, and others.

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