Manuscripts and Special Collections

Ne D 742: Agreement in French relating to dower, between Joan, widow of Ralph Cromwell, and their son Ralph (2 May 1417, French)


Cest endenture fact perentre Dame Johane qui fuist la femme Mon seignour Rauf seignour de Cromwell dun part et monseignour Rauf de Cromwell fitz dez ditz
mon seignour Rauf et Johane dautre part tesmoigne qui le dit mon seignour Rauf le fitz ad assigne a dit Dame Johane sa Mier pour sa dower toutz les terrez et tenementz
rentz et seruices oue toutz lours apportenauntz les queux furent a dit mon seignour sone pier en Baseford et Bleseby en le Counte de Notyngham et en
Wynthorpe en le Counte de Nichole ensemblement oue le Molyn de Arnalle esteant Sir lewe de Werbek en mesme le Counte de Notyngham
a auer et tener toutz les ditz terres et tenementz rentez et seruicez oue toutz lour lour apportenauntz ensemblement oue le dit Molyn de Arnalle a dit
Dame Johane pour terme de sa vie come sa dower en Allowance de toutz autrez Manoirs terres et tenementz rentes et seruicez oue toutz lour apportenauntz
les queux furent a dit seignour de Cromwell sone barone a quelle endowement la dit Dame Johane soy ad bien agree En tesmoignaunce de
quelle chose a yoestez endentures les partiez suisditz entrechaungeablement ount mys lour sealx Done a lamley le secunde iour de May
lan du regne le Roy Henri quint puis le conquest quint


This indenture made between Dame Joan, who was the wife of my lord Ralph, lord of Cromwell on the one part, and my lord Ralph of Cromwell, son of the said lord Ralph and Joan on the other part. Witness that the said lord Ralph the son has assigned to the said Dame Joan his mother, for her dower, all the lands and tenements, rents and services with all their appurtenances, which were [owned by] the said lord his father in Basford and Bleasby in the county of Nottingham, and in Winthorpe in the county of Lincoln1, together with the mill of Arnold … in the county of Nottingham, to have and to hold all the said lands and tenements, rents and services, or all their appurtenances, together with the said mill of Arnold, to the said Dame Joan for the term of her life, as her dower and allowance from all other manors, lands and tenements, rents and services or all their appurtenances which were [part of] the said lord de Cromwell’s barony, for which endowment the said Dame Joan is of good agreement. In witness of which thing, the parties abovesaid have jointly set their seals to these indentures. Given at Lambley the second day of May in the fifth year of the reign of King Henry V after the Conquest.

1. ‘Nichole’ or ‘Nicole’ is the Anglo-Norman translation for Lincoln

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