Manuscripts and Special Collections

WLC/LM/7, f. 2v: ‘L’Estoire de Saint Graal’ (The History of the Holy Grail) (early 13th century, Anglo-Norman)


Quant ilot lespee garnie del pont . e
del fuerre einsi come uos oez . il mi
. st lespee el fuerre . e commenca a regarder le
fuerre . e lespee . et a paumoier . si uit cele
espee sibele e si riche quil ni li estoit pas
auis que onques por .i. chevalier . fust fez a pa
relz . si riches . e si uertueus come cist esto
it . si dift quil uoldroit molt se il pooit
estre que iames hom ne la tresist fors del
fuerre . dusqa tant que li bons chevaliers por
qui ele estoit apareilliee imeist la main.
e lors vint la uoiz qui autre foiz auoit
par le alui e li dist Salemons$ ia nus ne
la trera qui ne sen repente$ dusqua tant
que li bons chevaliers por qui ele estoit apare
illie la tendra.
Quant Salemons oi ceste parole si en
fu mult liez . e maintenant escrist
de sa main letres teles come li contes a
a deuisees . equant il ot ce fet il i uolt
metre renges . teles a son escient come
lespee couenist . mes sa feme ne voult.
ainz en iaporta unes si ledes e si poures co
me de chanure . si foibles par senblant
queles ne poissent par lespee sostenir.
que est ce fet salemons iuoler uos ce
metre. oil fet ele . ia auostre tens ni
aura autres . . mes encore se deu plest uen
dra une heure que une damoisele les
changera . e imetra porcestes unes si beles
e si riches que ce sera merueilles auooir
Si poez en ceste espee conoistre la senblan
ce des .ii. femes dont ge uos ai oi parler
quar tot ausi come la virge qui est a
uenir si come uos medites . doit amen
der ce que nostre premiere mere meffi
st . tot ausi amemdera cele pucele ce que
ge meffaz en ceste espee quar ele i me
tra renges beles e riches . e de la chose de
sus soi quele plus amera.


When he had made the pommel and attached it to the sword he created a scabbard, as you hear, he put the sword into the scabbard and looking at them both he began to caress them. Thus, he saw the sword so beautiful and magnificent that it seemed that never had a sword as worthy and noble as this sword been made for one knight. So, he said, he would like very much that a man should not draw the sword until such a time came that the honourable knight for whom it was made put his hand to it. And then the voice that had spoken to him before came again and said, 'Solomon, never will anyone draw this sword without repenting it until such time that the good and loyal knight for whom it was created takes possession of it'.

When Solomon heard these words he was delighted and happy and now he himself wrote the words that recounted the story that had been told. When he had done this he wanted to attach a sword belt, one which he felt would be worthy of it but his wife did not want this. Thus, she brought him one that was so ugly and flimsy, such as one (that could be) made of hemp. It was of such an inferior quality it appeared that it would not hold the sword. 'What is this?', Solomon asked. 'Do you want me to put this on?' 'Yes', she replied. 'In your time there will be no other. But still, if it pleases God, there will come a time when a young maiden will change it and put, in place of this one, one which is so beautiful and so splendid that it will be wonderful to see. Thus, (she said) you can see in this sword the image of the two women of whom I have heard you speak. For as much like the virgin who is to come, as you told me, and put to right what our first mother did wrong, just like that this maiden will put right what I have done wrong with this sword: for she will fix a sword belt so beautiful and magnificent and of a kind that she herself loves best'.

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