Manuscripts and Special Collections

Letter from Newcastle, Clumber, to William Sherbrooke, Oxton, 28 February 1817 (Ne C 4981)

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Letter from Newcastle, Clumber, to William Sherbrooke, Oxton, 28 February 1817 (Ne C 4981) I own I feel regret that it should have been thought necessary to transfer the Assizes to Newark, and on receiving a notification to that effect from the Sec[reta]ry of State last night I wrote to express this opinion on the measure, assuring him at the same time that effectual means were adopting for the maintenance of the public peace and to afford protection and security to the course and administration of Justice - I added that I felt no doubt of our ability to maintain the public tranquillity during the Assizes - I thought it right to make this representation for the honor of the Magistracy and loyal inhabitants of this County - Whether this representation has any effect, or not, I will beg that you and the Magistrates acting with you will continue your exertions for the right cause and real welfare of our County - Altho’ all may not happen precisely to our wishes let us consider that in these times a straight forward and undeviating course is alone to be pursued and that that course leads us to enforce an obedience to the laws by destroying excitement and maintaining the public peace by some eans or other, and also by our example to exhibit proofs of public Spirit worthy to be imitated by our deluded inferiors -