Manuscripts and Special Collections

Diary entry for 3 October 1824 (Ne 2F 1, pp. 227-228)

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Diary entry for 3 October 1824 (Ne 2F 1, pp. 227-228) A Meeting of Roman Catholics took [place] at Birminghamthis week for the purpose of establishing a branchAssociation as recommended by the Central Board &Association in London - The Association was formed& organised & it appears that already branch Associations are formed at Preston & at Manchester - Atthe Meeting Mr Blount, Secretary to the London Associationacted as Chairman & a Revd Mr Mcdonald took aprominent part, as a curious coincidence a Mr Canninga R.C also bore a conspicuous part in the meeting - Thelanguage used was extremely unguarded & intemperate,violent declamation against their opponents and themost extraordinary daring language against the Churchof England - The tone throughout was that of [strikethrough: entire] highassurance & assured conviction that nothing nowstood in the way of their regaining all their political rights - The conduct of the Ministers &concession to the Popish Earl Marshal [Bernard Edward Howard, 12th Duke of Norfolk] have giventhis unwonted spirit - The whole is clearlypoison to the National Welfare! -