judge of them by their good effects
here; you will do well to send here and
to Scotland 20000 of them. There is not
one to be had here for any money. Mr.
Stourton had a dozen of them left at
his lodgings; Mr. Harris says he had
as many; Mr. Jones ['Johnson' written
above] twice as many;
and many others more or less of them.
They kept them all up for one day, for
fear it had been a trick to trepan them;
after that, every man dispersed them
amongst his friends, and to others, by
the Penny post.
It is certain that there is a price on
Burnets head, and accepted of; and I
believe a Yacht sent, to bring him, or it,
over. I imagine the Officers that are
to come away, have undertaken it. Some
say 15 Men are gone over. I am not
sure of particulars; they do not much
deny the thing it self. Some of the