of your Graces name as one of the Patrons
of the Dispensary. The Committee look with confidence to
your Graces acknowledged condescension and ready
sympathy for all classes of the necessitous poor, in such
a densely populated Parish as Bethnal Green consisting
of upwards of seventy thousand souls, the majority
of whom are persons in the greatest state of misery
and destitution, the Committee are led to hope that
such an Institution having the countenance and
support of your Grace will be productive of the greatest
benefit to our poor afflicted bretheren and be the means
under God's blessing of saving many who might
otherwise perish.
We have the honor to remain
Your Grace's Ob[edien]t Humble Serv[an]ts
J. Ottley Rayner M.D.
William Kerry M.A.
Incumbent of St Thomas's B[ethna]l G[ree]n

1 St Matthews Place
Hackney Road