Manuscripts and Special Collections

Ga 12,835 : Two pages from the book of 'Military Orders by His Royall Highness The Duke of Cumberland', being the entries for 2-3 Mar. 1745/6.

Major of Brigade -      Oughton

--- The Gen[era]ll Court martiall is Disolvd

--- Alex[ander] Douglas of Price's Reg[imen]t is pardon'd
by HRH at the Request of the Ministers of th[i]s town.

--- Serg[ean]t. McColeman of Batterean's try'd for Plundering
a house at Brickin is Reduc'd and to receive 800 Lashes.

--- Ja[me]s Dunnisaw, And[re]w Malliby & And[re]w Metcalf
of the Same Reg[imen]t Sentanc'd to receive 400 Lashes. Each are
pardon'd by HRH they having been Influenced by the Sergeant.

--- A Serg[ean]t of each Regim[en]t to wait at the Parade
to Receive the Recovered men brought up by L[ieutenan]t Napper.

--- The Surgeon of Each Reg[imen]t are to visit their
sick twice a Day & Rep[or]t to their Comm[an]d Offic[e]r every morning.

--- The Reg[imen]ts of Foot here are Immediately to
provide th[e]mselves w[i]th Camp Necessaries according to the Returns of
this day and are to Compleat th[ei]r Ammunition to 24 rounds.

--- 100 Days Forage money will be paid to each
Regiment except those th[a]t rec[eive]d it in the south upon Marshall
Wade's Regulation, viz. 78 Rations p[er] Regim[en]t p[er] Diem
on Condition that they take up their Quartermaster's Receipts
to the severall Commissaries for Forage Delivered and pay
when Order'd at the Rate of 6d p[er] Ration. His Majesty the
surplus to the s[ai]d Contractor or Commissaries.
