Manuscripts and Special Collections

Ne C 1677 : Letter from General T[homas] Wentworth, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, to Henry Pelham; 10 Nov. 1745

will arise from the want of subsistance, w[hic]h will
be unavoidable if we march towards the
Western Moors; as we have no Magazines,
and as little grain &c. is produc'd in th[a]t
barren soil that, in my humble opinion,
can be the only obstacle w[hic]h will prevent us
seeking them instantly, as soon as it shall
be certainly known what route they have

To morrow a Councill of Warr is to sit,
for, I suppose, determining what mea
sures to take, the results of w[hic]h you
will know by the next opportunity.

I am, S[i]r
With great truth,
Your most faithfull
& obliged humble serv[ant]
T. Wentworth

Gen[era]l [-] is on
Tuesday to march to Edinburgh, the two Reg[iment]s
of foot who are to accompany him, have
no less than 300 sick.
