Manuscripts and Special Collections

Ne C 1698 : 'State of what sum of Money is proposed to be paid upon account to the Dutch Troops to enable them to march'; n.d. [c. Oct. 1745]

State of what sume of Money is proposed to be paid
upon account to the Dutch Troops to enable them to march.

For the General and Staff Officers

General in Chief 300,,-,,-
One Lieu[tenan]t General 150,,-,,-
One Major General 120,,-,,-
Two Brigadiers at 60£ each 120,,-,,-
Adjutant General 30,,-,,-
Seven Aides de Camp at 20£ each 140,,-,,-
Two Majors of Brigade at 20£ each 40,,-,,-
Quartermaster General 30,,-,,-
Lieu[tenan]t Quartermaster General 20,,-,,-
L[ieutenan]t. Waggonmaster General 10,,-,,-
Deputy Paymaster 20,,-,,-
Two Commissarys each 10£ 20,,-,,-
Auditor 20,,-,,-
Physitian 20,,-,,-
Surgeon & two Mates 20,,-,,-
Minister 10,,-,,-
Secretary 20,,-,,-
Provost marshall 20,,-,,-

For the Troops

To every Captain that is present to enable
him to march
£10 -
To every Colonel that is present £30 -
To every L[ieutenan]t Colonel d[itt]o £20 -
To every Major d[itt]o £20 -
For the Staff of each Reg[imen]t £20 -
