State of what sume of Money is proposed to be paid
upon account to the Dutch Troops to enable them to march.
For the General and Staff Officers
£ | |
General in Chief | 300,,-,,- |
One Lieu[tenan]t General | 150,,-,,- |
One Major General | 120,,-,,- |
Two Brigadiers at 60£ each | 120,,-,,- |
Adjutant General | 30,,-,,- |
Seven Aides de Camp at 20£ each | 140,,-,,- |
Two Majors of Brigade at 20£ each | 40,,-,,- |
Quartermaster General | 30,,-,,- |
Lieu[tenan]t Quartermaster General | 20,,-,,- |
L[ieutenan]t. Waggonmaster General | 10,,-,,- |
Deputy Paymaster | 20,,-,,- |
Two Commissarys each 10£ | 20,,-,,- |
Auditor | 20,,-,,- |
Physitian | 20,,-,,- |
Surgeon & two Mates | 20,,-,,- |
Minister | 10,,-,,- |
Secretary | 20,,-,,- |
Provost marshall | 20,,-,,- |
For the Troops
To every Captain that is present to enable him to march |
£10 - |
To every Colonel that is present | £30 - |
To every L[ieutenan]t Colonel d[itt]o | £20 - |
To every Major d[itt]o | £20 - |
For the Staff of each Reg[imen]t | £20 - |