Some Reflexions on Gen[era]l Cope's Behaviour
in Scotland
He marched out of Edinburgh, with full 400 Carts.
The D.[uke] of Argyle in the year 1715 with double the
Number of Forces had all his Baggage carried
by 100 Horses only.
When he arrived at Falkirk, he found he wanted
Musket Bullets: there he halted a Day or two.
At Sterling a General Order was issued for every
soldier to deliver up his sword and leave it in the Castle.
In the town of Creif he found he wanted Gunpowder,
upon which he sent to the Gov[erno]r of Stirling Castle
for a fresh supply of Arms & Ammunition: Arms
he did not want, but sent for them too to cover
the great want he was in for Powder: so the
Arms were left behind there, & fell afterwards
into the hands of the High¬landers.