Manuscripts and Special Collections

Ne C 1725 : Letter from Major-General Humphrey Bland, Fort Augustus [Inverness-shire, Scotland], to Henry Pelham; 9 Jun. 1746

Fort Augustus 9th June 1746

Dear Sir

A few days ago I had the Pleasure of yours of
the 19th May. Your Nephew is now at Fort William, Brigad[ie]r Houghton's
Regiment being sent to that Garrison about 8 days ago, where it will probably
remain 'till next Year, according to the Usual Custom; and in 8 or 10 days more
I believe we shall all (except what is destin'd to Garrison this Fort, which H.
R.H. intends to repair for that purpose) leave the Highlands and March into
Quarters of Refreshment, which you may easily believe will be necessary
after so long a Campaign as ours; but more particularly so at present, as it
has rain'd pretty hard for these three days; tho' in all other respects we have
plenty of Provisions for the Men, thro' the great care and Vigilance of H.
R.H. who is an Excellent Providore as well as a General, which Quallifica
tion, you know by Experience, is absolutely Necessary in a Commander in
Chief, but more particularly so with us, as this weighty and Troublesome
Branch is annexed to the Employment: whereas in France, the Indendant of the
Army, has the entire Management of it, and by that means leaves the General
at full liberty to think of the Military Operations only.

At present all things are as quiet here as if no Rebel¬lion had happen'd,
and the Detachments H.R.H. has sent thro' the Heretofore inaccessible
mountains, as they were Supposed to be and so called by the Calledonians, has
struck such a Terror amongst these Brutes, that they are entirely dispersed, and
Fly at the Sight of a Red Coat. Such is the happy Effects of the Battle of
Culloden. This Ascendant over them may be easily maintain'd, if we are not
wanting to ourselves, and reduce them to Such a State as will put it out of their
Power of raising any future insurrections, and even make them in time
usefull Members to the State, tho' at present they are quite the Reverse. This will
