Manuscripts and Special Collections

Ne C 1793 : 'List of persons who were usefull to the Government during the late Rebellion, and thereby intitled to their favour'; Edinburgh, 6 Apr. 1747

in geting Intelligence, for which he only got his
neat expence, he was afterwards employed in
taking down the Evidence against the Rebels at Perth
and else where and preparing and ranging the
Evidence for the Tryals at Carlisle, conducted the
first division of the Rebel prisoners from Edinburgh
to Carlisle, Was usefull in taking care of the Wit
nesses; I had thanks from Mr Webb the Sollicitor
for the Crown for sending him to Carlisle, where he
found him active and usefull: He has incurred
the displeasure of the Jacobites, who have prevailed
with many of his Clients to take their bussiness from
him, and I had the greatest difficulty to prevail,
with Lord Shualton (tho' a good friend to the
Government) the last named Lord of the Session
to continue him in his service as his Clerk till he
should be otherways provided which I hoped
would be soon: A place of 70, or 80 £ would
do his bussiness.

Peter Henderson Writer in Edinburgh was also employed
the same way, attended the prooff taken against
the Rebels at Perth and elsewhere, was at Carlisle,
Wrote Volumes, and has not had better payment
than if he had been employed by a private person;
He is also an Object of the wrath of the Jacobites,
which must hurt him unless some provision be
made for him by the Government: A place of 50
or £60 will do his bussiness. It is not impossible
but that in the management of the forfeited Estates these
