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Manuscripts and Special Collections

East Midlands Collection Not 3.E12 : Extract from the records of the Borough of Nottingham, from Gray, Duncan and Walker, Violet W. (eds.), Records of the Borough of Nottingham, vol. IX, 1836-1900. (Nottingham: T. Forman, 1956)

Report of the Sanitary Committee, 15 March 1852

... That during the past three years the Sanitary Committe of this Council in conjunction with the Board of Highways and with the active concurrence of owners and agents of property have succeeded in obtaining the following extensive improvements, in addition to many others done at the instance of the Board of Guardians - 63 dwelling-houses or sets of dwelling rooms having privies under them have been taken down and removed - 73 sets of privies have been wholly rebuilt or their construction materially altered - 37 sets of new privies have been erected - several bye-Streets have been paved or macadamized and put in thoroughly good condition.

Several inclosed Courts have been drained and paved. An Extensive deep-sewer and several other Sewers have been formed and a careful survey of the Sewers has been made and there is now scarcely a Street in this Town which is not paved or macadamized and provided with underground Sewerage.

Seven Public Urinaries in different parts of the Town have been formed - one set of Public Waterclosets was also long since provided.

The Powers of the Nuisances Removal and Diseases Prevention Act have been put in full operation by the removal of about 1300 Swine, and by the constant removal of accumulations of manure and by white washing and cleansing dwellinghouses.
