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Manuscripts and Special Collections

: Table of death rates in Nottingham, 1840-43.

Main source:- Data from Table 1 in Thomas Hawksley Esq., 'Report on the Town of Nottingham...', in the First Report of the Commissioners for Inquiring into the State of Large Towns and Populous Districts. Appendix, p. 138; 1844 (572), XVII.1

WardPopulation (excluding inmates of public institutions)Death Rate per 1,000Average Age at DeathBirth Rate per 1,000No. of children who died before reaching age of 4 years, expressed as % of births*
 MalesFemalesTotal MalesFemalesTotal   
Males Females Total Males Females Total
Park218630475233 19.529.429.329.3 25.728.8%
St. Mary31723984715626.518.724.021.339.935.3%
St. Ann505154691052027.916.321.819.235.8642.3%

*These figures come from Table 3 in Hawksley's 1844 report [p. 142]

n.b. The Broadmarsh-Leenside area was in Exchange Ward
