Manuscripts and Special Collections

AN/A 14/2 : Act Book entry relating to Peter Roos, 1605

folio 36v.
11 October [1605] at Southwell
Contra Petrum Rosse de Laxton. Super actu excom. Quibus die &c dominus ad petitionem dicti Petri consen in iudice et locum sententiam excom in eum lata relaxand fore decrevit et relaxavit ut patet &c et decrevit vices suas Mro Thomas Kinge &c ad absolvend &c Deinde per dictum examinatus spente fassus est that uppon a Sabaoth daye the tyme certeine he doth not remember he this examinat was amongest others his neighbours in the maye game for which he is called in question se submittendo unde dominus iniunxit ei ad solvend xijd manibus gard ibidem ad usum pauperum distribuendum et monuit eum ad oct die Sab in mense in ecclesia beati Petri… [words partially obscured by damage to edge of paper]

Translation into English:
Against Peter Roos of Laxton. Excommunicated by the acts. On the same day etc. the judge at the petition of the said Peter decreed a relaxation of the sentence of excommunication as it appears, and decreed to his deputy Master Thomas King to absolve him. Then by the words of the examinate [Roos] he confessed that upon a Sabbath day, the certain time of which he does not remember, this examinate was amongst others, his neighbours, in the May Game, for which he is called into question. He submitted himself, whereupon the judge enjoined him to pay 12 pence into the hands of the churchwardens there, to be distributed for the use of the poor, and admonished him to [certify the same] by the octave of Saturday in a month, in the church of St Peter [Nottingham].

relaxation = a discharge or a freeing of the person from the legal process against them
absolve = to set free from the punishment
enjoined = ordered
admonished = ordered, under threat of a penalty if the order was not carried out
octave = the eighth day afterwards. Here - a month and a 8 days after the following Saturday
