Manuscripts and Special Collections

AN/LB 221/5/23/3-5 : Depositions in Archdeaconry cause of adultery, Nicholas Walker v. Peter Roos, 1610

Alicia Unwen of Kneesall, Nottinghamshire, spinster, where she has stayed for about 14 weeks but before at Laxton Hall where she stayed about three years, aged 30 years or thereabouts … dicit se novisse Nicholaum Walker per xxiiij annos ad minus et dicit se novisse Petrum Ros ciricuter annum… [Translation: said that she had known Nicholas Walker for 24 years or less and said that she had known Peter Roos for about one year]
… dicit et deponit that the articulat Peter Ros for the moste parte is eyther of Laxstone or of the parishe of Edwinstowe …
… dicit et deponit that in Aprill laste paste the tyme certeyne she this deponent remembreth not the articulat Peter Ros & the articulat Rose Walker beinge at Laxston Hall aboute tenne of the clocke in the Eveninge he the said Peter walked forthe of the house in this deponents sighte & he was no sooner gonne forth but she the said Rose followed him & so continued abroade with him aboute one houre and a halfe verie suspiciouslie & in such sorte as this deponent verilie beleeveth that theie did committee adulterie togeather …
… dicit et deponit that the common fame & reporte is bothe in Bildesthrop & Laxston that the articulat Peter Ros & Rose Walker have committed adulterie togeather et interrogata de causa scientie sue dicit [Translation: and having been interrogated about her knowledge of the cause said] that she hathe heard the same common fame of John Beale & Thomas Lawe & William Heage & of divers others … [mark of Alice Unwen]

William Heage of Bildesthrop, Nottinghamshire, labourer, aged 29 years or thereabouts…dicit se novisse Nicholaum Walker circiter xij annos et dicit se novisse Mr Petrum Rosse circiter quinque annos …[Translation: said that he had known Nicholas Walker for around 12 years and said that he had known Mr Peter Roos for around five years]
