Manuscripts and Special Collections

Ma 4897 : Pages from a survey of the manor of Laxton,n.d. [mid-late 18th century]

p.45 Extract from survey of property of small freeholders in the open fields of Laxton. Freeholder: Christopher Roose

 West FieldA.R.P.A.R.P [Total]
4832 lands on Lowsing hill 0.2.27
5233 lands & ½ balk in West north Howbeck furlong 0.3.25
  Total in Westfield A[cre]s1.2.12
 South Field  
10352 lands in middle furlong butting on the Rigg gate 0.1.37
13451 land in Knapney side 0.0.34
13761 land Do. 0.1.19
  Total in South Field A[cre]s1.0.10
 Mill Field  
21332 lands on Hunger hill 0.1.23
21872 lands on Scoledale hill 0.2.10

[n.b. Ma 4898 is a numerical schedule complementing this volume. It shows the plots of land in the centre of the village, and reveals that Christopher Rose was a tenant of a freehold cottage, house and yard owned by Eda. Skaithe (plot number 16); and that John Roose was a tenant of a house and yard owned by the Duke of Kingston (plot number 116)]
