[line 1] Nov[er]int uniu[er]si per p[re]sentes me Will[ielmu]m Preist de Elkesley
in Com[itatu] Nottingham yeoman Teneri et firmiter
[line 1] Know all Men by these presents that I William Preist of Elkesley in the
County of Nottingham yeoman am held and firmly
[line 2] obligari p[ro]nobili Joh[an]i Com[iti] Clare in ducentis libris bone
et leg[a]lis monete Anglie solvend[is] eid[em] Joh[an]i
[line 2] bound to the noble John, Earl of Clare, in two hundred pounds of good
and lawful money of England to be paid to the said John
[line 3] aut suo certo Attorn[ato] executor[ibus] vel assign[atis] suis Ad quam
quidem soluc[i]onem bene et fidelit[er] faciend[am] Obligo me &
[line 3] or his certain Attorney executors or assigns. To which payment, indeed, well and
truly to be made, I bind myself my
[line 4] hered[es] executor[es] et administrator[es] meos firmit[er] per p[re]sentes
sigillo meo sigillat dat[um] vicesimo secundo die
[line 4] heirs executors and administrators firmly by these presents sealed with
my seal dated the twenty second day of
[line 5] Januarij Anno Regni d[omi]ni n[ost]ri Caroli dei grac[ia] Anglie Scocie
Francie & Hib[er]nie Regis fidei defensor &c
[line 6] Quinto decimo 1639.
[lines 5-6] January in the fifteenth year of the reign of our lord Charles by
the grace of god King of England Scotland France and Ireland, defender of the
faith &c. 1639