[line 1] Nou[er]int Uniu[er]si p[er] p[rese]ntes me Jacobu[m] Thornhill de Tukesford
in Com[itatu] Nott[ingham] yoman teneri et firmiter obligari Wil[ie]lmo Talbott
[line 1] Know all men by these presents that I James Thornhill of Tuxford in the
county of Nottingham, yeoman, am held and firmly obliged to William Talbott
[line 2] de Walesbie in Com[itatu] p[re]d[ict]o gen[er]osum ducentis m[ar]cis
legalis monete Anglie solvend[is] eid[em] Wil[ie]lmo Talbott aut suo certo attorn[ato]
[line 2] of Walesby in the said county, gentleman, in two hundred marks of lawful
English money to be paid to him William Talbott or his certain attorney,
[line 3] hoc script[um] ostenden[i] hered[ibus] vel execut[oribus] suis in festo
Natiuit[atis] s[an]c[t]i Joh[an]is Bap[tis]te p[ro]x[imo] futur[o] post dat[am] p[rese]nciu[m]
Et si defecero
[line 3] showing this writing, or his heirs or executors, on the feast of the
Nativity of Saint John the Baptist next to come after the date of these presents.
And if I shall make default
[line 4] in soluc[i]one debit[i] p[re]d[ictum] Volo et Concedo q[uo]d tunc
Currat sup[er] me hered[ibus] et execut[oribus] meis pena in Statut[o] stap[u]le de debit[is]
[line 4] in payment of the said debt I will and grant that then shall run upon
me my heirs and executors the penalty of the Statute Staple
[line 5] p[ro] m[er]candis[i]s in ead[e]m empt[is] recup[er]and[is] ordinat[a] et p[ro]vis[a]
Dat[um] Decimo Nono die Junij Anno Regni d[omi]ne n[ost]re Elizabeth
[line 5] made and provided for recovering merchants' debts. Dated nineteenth day
of June in the forty first year of the reign of our lady Elizabeth
[line 6] Dei grat[tia] Anglie Franc[ie] et Hib[er]nie
Regine fidei defensor &c Quadragesimo Primo.
[line 6] by the grace of God Queen of England France and
Ireland, defender of the faith etc.