Manuscripts and Special Collections

Pw A 2251 : Requisition order for oxen and wagons, signed by Prince William of Orange, Exeter; 16 Nov. 1688

William Henry Prince of Orange, &c.
Whereas through the Want of Cariages to convey Our Bagage
train of Artillery &c. from hence to Hunyton [Honiton], wee are
necessitated to oblidge all the Neighbouring inhabitants
to furnish us with their draught Oxen and Cariages; And
to the end they may be the better encouraged to comply with
Us in this Matter wee are willing to give and allow
such rates and prices, as divers Gentlemen of this
Country have judged reasonable; That is to say, for
every draught of 4 Oxen, 4 Schillings; and for 6 Oxen
6 Schillings by the day, which said rates we will
exactly comply with and justly paye and discharge.
Wherefore wee do require and com[m]and the Constable
of Ken and Kenfort, that immediatly upon the receit
of this Our Warrant, he presently goe along with
2 of Our Souldiers from house to house within
the said parish, examine what Quantity of
Oxen they have and certifie under his hand to
Morrow, to our Commissioners for providing of Carria
ges, the Number and Oxen so found and signifie
to such inhabitants who have such Oxen, that upo
