Manuscripts and Special Collections

AN/LB 221/5/23/3-5 : Depositions in Archdeaconry cause of adultery, Nicholas Walker v. Peter Roos, 1610

from the said Rose in these or the like words in effecte vidz: I praye thee Joane goe to the righte honorable Peter Ros meaning the articulat Peter Ros & bid him come to mee aboute tenne of the clocke at nighte & knocke at my chamber windowe & I will lette him in, which message she this deponent did deliver to the said Peter Rosse who as it is reported at the tyme appointed did goe unto her, when & wheere he was taken & caried before Sr William Sutton one of the nexte Justices …
…dicit et deponit that before & since the beginninge of this suite there was & is a common speeche fame & reporte in the parishe of Laxston articulat that the articulat Peter Ros & Rose Walker have committed adulterie togeather & namelie she hathe hearde it so reported of Roberte Smith & his wyfe & Elizabeth Northe & divers others of the same parishe Et aliter nescit deponere ut dicit hoc excepto [Translation: and she does not know anything else to testify or say excepting this,] that she verilie beleeveth that the same common fame & reporte is true … [mark of Joanna Idle]
