live in a perfect good understand.
I am confident Mr. Price believes what
he says, and that Mr. Kemp gives him
ground to think so, of whose sincerity
he is persuaded, and still thinks to find
a remedy for his unsteadiness by tricks.
Price is well with Seatoun, though
jealous of him. How to reconcile all
this, I dont know. Tanner ['Titus' written above] at the same
time tells me that he will have no more
to do with them, that he gave ear to
their proposals, hoping to get the Pe
nal Laws taken off, and the Test either
entirely let alone or, if any parts were
parted with, to have valuable equiva
lents for them. But now, says he, they
are quite off that bottom that they call
Equivalents; expedients, say they as ridi
culous in case any part of the Test stand,
as they seemed to him and others, when