told they are better informed of the
effects it has, and are angry; but on
Saturday Mr. Kemp was so well plea
sed that nothing could make him angry.
I am well informed that the King lately
sent for S[i]r John Berry, a Sea Officer,
and told him, in a little time he would
have business for him. S[i]r John begged
leave to tell H.M. that in case the
business was matter of action, he
would put no Popish Officers in, for he
was sure the seamen would knock
them on the head. H.M. told him
that when he called him to be his Pri
vy Councellor, he might give him his
advice, and left him angry.
Sherridon was three hours with Sea
toun, and since, the matter is hushed
up, and Sherridon impudently denies
that he had any design to accuse Myl[or]d
Tyrconnel; It is whispered about