and the other moderate Catholicks
make great use of the advice given them,
particularly what relates to the Prince;
and Myl[or]d Rochester is received in a
manner to shew how many friends
one has, and how few the other. I
heard Country Gentlemen say, that if
that Paper get into the Country, it
will heighten the present fermenta
tion so much, that they are confident,
if any speaks against the Prince, that
the People will knock them on the
head. It is thought to be Myl[or]d Halli
fax's, and that he has disguised his
stile; He says Burnet writ it. One
thousand of them were left at friends
lodgings in one evening, neither Prin
ter, nor Author, nor Bearer known;
none of them to be bought. If you
like them, as you ought to do, if you judge